30 Things Hotel Guests Do That Piss Workers Off.
The stuff hotel employees have to deal with.
Published 3 years ago in Wtf
The stuff hotel employees have to deal with.
What got to me most was the number of times I was used as an example by parents when their kids were misbehaving. For example, if I was cleaning the windows and a child was being noisy nearby a parent might say 'if you aren't good and don't listen you'll end up cleaning windows for your whole life like this man'. Completely dehumanizing, demoralizing, and just a bit of a s**tbag thing to do anyway. Happened so many times I lost count.5
Worked a summer in spain (Gran Canaria) as a part of a 'new' kids entertainment program. The s**t I saw was unbelievable, from parents dropping their kids of at 9AM and forgetting them to pick up at 6PM (or showing up drunk; which kind of forced me to ask the kid if he/she wanted to play some more untill their parents were sober). To kids just throwing stuff and hitting other kids because they lost a game. In general the most annoying thing is parents just incompletely neglecting their kids, causing the kids to tear up because I have to tell them mommy and daddy aren't coming yet because they were stuck in traffic (whilst they were most likely on the beach drinking tequila). The thing that will always stick with me is a little girl who was on vacation with her parents and another couple (maybe uncle/aunt?). This girl got dropped off at 8AM, even though we weren't open untill 9, by a parent with a hangover and they didn't pick her up untill after the 'kids-show', which was from 830-930PM. Because of this the girl never ate with her family, causing her to miss meals a lot. This family stayed for two weeks and in the last week the mom (drunk of course) showed up at 10PM to pick this girl up, because I was getting kind of sick of the parents behavior I kindly requested her to drop the kid of on time, pick her up on time and for god sakes... eat dinner with her kid. This woman just lost her s**t, screaming at me that I can't tell her what to do, that I should do my job and take care of her kid and that I should stop trying to steal her kid with gifts (I bought the girl a swimsuit from my own money because she didn't have one and we had 'swimming-games'). Next morning the kid shows up at my room, on her own, with a blue eye and her lip teared open (at like 7AM). I immediately take her to the head of the hotel, who called someone from the med-bay and the police. I tell the boss all that happened and that the parents were neglecting and beating their kid. 15 minutes later two drunk parents show up, screaming I should be fired for kidnapping their kid and that they are demanding a huge sum of money from the hotel. I'm not sure what really happened to the girl (all though there were rumours the parents got sued for child neglect and she moved to her grandmother). After this happened the hotel gave me a paid stay at their hotel for the upcoming 3 weeks I was supposed to work there.8
This conversation: "Hi, do you have any rooms?" "No, sorry we're sold out." "You don't have anything?" "Nope. We're all booked up." "I just need one bed." "I'm sorry I don't have any rooms. I can call another hotel for you if you want." "So.. not even the honeymoon suite or anything?" "No, sorry. But like I said I can call another hotel if you want and see what's available." "No that's fine." ARE YOU SERIOUS.9
I work at a hotel in a small, beachside Florida town. Our town has very little parking, and we advise our guests of this, especially during peak times that we (as well as the entire city and all other surrounding properties) will have to restrict parking to only one vehicle per guest. I do understand that it's not always the best, but, people who've been coming here forever know that in high season there is no place to park, so they begrudgingly will find a way to carpool. But, not everyone does. Often times, many locals will rent a room, and then invite everyone to come on over (which, in itself is a violation of our rules if you go over 6 registered guests), and of course, everyone has to bring their own car. Not happening, because if you bring more than one vehicle, you are taking someone else's spot. So, of course it's the stupid sense of entitlement that somehow gets me that people from out of state (up to 1500 miles in some cases) can drive here in one vehicle, and yet you can't carpool from 50 miles away? Our security officer got one lady one time. Of course, because she's a special snowflake who the rules do not apply to, she brought three cars on a sold-out day. We don't have room for that, you are on your own to try to find (if it even exists) off-property parking for your other two cars. Good luck. Well, she's not having it. Of course, she throwing a fit about not being able to have two extra cars. Our security officer stood firm. Finally, the lady says "you're full of shit." The best response our security officer ever had to anyone: "No I'm not, I took care of that this morning. But thank you for your concern for my good health and regularity." I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. He put her in her place, and she had no choice but to move her cars off property. But, it's the sense of the rules don't apply to me, and so what if I inconvenience someone else, as long as it's not me.10
Sex. The amount of times a guest will have requested something, needed something fixed in their room or asked for room service, only to decide to f**k straight after they put the phone down; leaving me stuck outside the door with that extra set of towels or walking into a room to fix something and seeing more than I ever needed too. Also bins are provided in bedrooms for a reason, stop leaving used condoms, lube packets, discarded toys just all over the bed and tables. I get it, and dirty weekends away are awesome, just have a lil thought for the person who has to clean up the room after.11
Worked hotel maintenance. If you accidentally break something in the room, be honest and let the front desk know. 99% chance you won't be charged for damage. It also gives maintenance a heads up to fix it at our earliest opportunity and not have to rush to fix it when the next guest finds the damage because the housekeeper didn't report it either. Where I worked, if a guest reported the damage, they wouldn't be charged for it. If they just leave and don't tell anyone, they'd be charged a damage fee, usually about $100. Yes we can do that, it's on the paperwork you sign when you check in.12
Wedding parties and bridal parties. 9/10 the women are extremely high maintenance, trash the rooms , and never tip under any circumstance yet expect to be treated like royalty because "they're paying for their room " . Goes the same way with Bachelor parties too, loud drunk obnoxious men who tend to start fights in the lobby. On the plus side the men seem to tip slightly more often.14
I hate when guests treat every minor inconvenience like it's the ONE thing that ruined their vacation. I read the feedback we get every single day and people give us horrible reviews because of things like "I had to wait a few minutes for the elevator" and "the noise level in the lobby was a bit high"? I don't get how people are so sensitive to the tiniest things! Like if you are that way at home, I feel bad for your spouse or whoever you live with because it's horrible to be around such unnecessary negativity.16
I start going through the spiel about amenities, breakfast, etc. and they either just say "Thanks" and walk away before I'm done, or say "yeah I know I've been here before" so I stop. 10 minutes later, they call, "hey, what time is breakfast? And when does the pool close?" Well s**thead, if you had listened the first time...20
Valet here. When guest flat out EXPLODE on me at the front drive when I politely tell them they have to go one level down to get their vehicle as oppose to picking up out front. They are told this when they arrive. I didn't build the hotel, I didn't place the office down stairs, I didn't place the key safe there, you know this! CHILL OUT!!!21
Hotel pianist here, I hate being photographed or filmed but I keep a cool head by telling my self that at least I know they like my playing. Some Japanese tourists however... The whole group came to my piano mid performance and positioned themselves one by one behind me while a designated photographer took pictures of them. I mean come on, at least ask if it's ok, give a tip. I'm not a rare attraction that need be documented, that s**t is distracting.22
I work as a valet manager at a luxury hotel. Wedding parties that are obviously extremely wealthy who ask you to bend over backwards for them, park all of their cars, take sh*t loads of gifts and luggage to many different rooms, bring them wine and all sorts of food, order town cars and taxis for them, set up dinner reservations, put up with a bunch of their complaining and doing your best to accommodate them, and in the end no tip and no thank you.25
Honestly, the insane expectations. It's not the worst thing but it's by far the most common. Like, buddy, you paid $120 and tax for a two star hotel room in midtown Manhattan on a Saturday night. No it doesn't come with a waterfront view, no there is not any room service (install Seamless like the rest of us, Christ.) Also, if you want two beds, book two beds. Don't book the extra cheap tiny room and then put in a "request" for a two bed room at the same price because that's not how that works.26
I am a housekeeper at a nice, smaller sized, family oriented hotel in Atlantic Canada. It is a franchised property but is apart of a huge chain. Bastard jackal children running up and down the halls. Some even like to knock on other guest's doors at 10pm and shout 'housekeeping!' They honestly think it's hilarious. People just coming up to my cart and taking what they want. Towels, shampoo, etc. Just ask??? People staring at myself and my fellow housekeepers as if we are actual aliens. It baffles me how many people don't understand that we essentially keep a hotel running and they barely know we exist. Don't ask me how much I make. don't ask me if my work is seasonal (???). don't ask me anything that is not related to your stay and general comfort.28
Probably the thing that drives me bananas is obvious lying. "I've NEVER been to a hotel where they authorized extra on my credit card!" "The last time I was here they gave me the presidential for free!" "No one's EVER needed my photo ID to check in!" "The girl who checked me in yesterday said that I could have an upgrade to a suite today for free!" (Pretty sure when I checked you in yesterday I said no such thing, idiot) "I've NEVER seen a hotel charge for parking, what kind of scam is this?!" (Actually not sure if this was lying or just ignorance. Maybe they've never stayed at anything that wasn't a roadside motel? But sweet zombie jesus, it happens a lot and our parking isn't even that expensive.)29
Not showing up for your reservation on a busy, sold out night and not letting us know you're not making it. I get a lot of walk-ins and phone calls asking if a room is available but normally can't sell them a room that's already booked/reserved. Some people are just looking for a place to sleep for the night.30
Reception worker for an international chain of hotels here. Breaking an obvious rule they have been informed about ten times and then come to the reception to scream at my face. ''I will talk to your general manager in the headquarters (another country)!''. Sure! Fill in the complaint form, make that long and expensive call and let me know when they confirm what I have just said.